Monday, March 15, 2010

"Not The Way I Thought"

You cant put God in a box. He NEVER does things the same way and he ALWAYS changes things around or answers your prayers in the most interesting and "Not The Way I Thought" ways...
One morning I had prayed a small prayer not even out loud...just in my head..."God can you please tell me what you think of me today...
The whole day went by and then that night some friends and I were praying and they ended up praying for me. Now a lot of the time as Christians we look for God to speak through someone and say things to us that fit and make us feel good about a situation or about ourselves etc so part of me thought hey maybe God will speak through someone tonight and then BANG! he spoke straight to me! lol with Joe Cocker song!
I just suddenly in amongst the prayers of my friends heard the most beautiful words sung from Gods heart into mine...expressing how he viewed me and what he thought of me...they were...

You are so beautiful to me,
You are so beautiful to me, Can't you see,
Your everything I hoped for,
Your everything I need,
You are so beautiful to me,

Such joy and happiness you bring,
Such joy and happiness you bring,
Like a dream,
A guiding light that shines in the night,
Heavens gift to me,
You are so beautiful to me


and the cool thing was I laughed cause he told me the song and then when i shared what it was with the girls, one of them had it on their phone so I got to just sit and soak in it and listen as if Jesus were singing that to me!
God is so amazing! he truly has shown me HE LOVES ME this year and I cant wait for more moments to write about!

I hope this encourages and blesses you!
Just know that it doesn't only have to happen to me because I know God or cause it happened to her so it wont to me...I encourage you to ask God to show you His love in a new way...He will just be willing to see it come in a "Not The Way I Thought" way :)

Bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome thoughts there ! God never fails to amaze us with the ways that He can speak to us.
