Friday, March 12, 2010

Accidentally Anointed?

OK so a quick run down...Gods been asking me to let him Romance me, so I thought I'd give it a go and here is one of the many outcomes of this for 2010...

I usually wake up in the mornings with a song in my head. Majority is Christian songs which I'm glad of but every now and then I get a non-christian song melodically making its way through my mind. Most of the time...being the "christian"that I am I tend to try and push it out of my mind, sing a worship song to cover it up or in some way ignore the song because, naughty me has woken up with "the world" in my mind. One particular morning I woke up with a very specific song in my head and while trying to push it away I felt God say to me "cant I use this to speak to you?". I stopped and listened and thought maybe, just maybe he could? Now in order for you to understand why I might of had THIS song in my head you need to know that some friends of mine and I had bought tickets to the Backstreet Boys Concert, we're big fans from back in the day...and leading up to the concert we had been preparing ourselves by remembering old songs and learning new ones...couldn't let those young'ns get away with knowing more then us seasoned professionals now could we?! NO! I am a big fan of a good, well written and heart felt Love Song but I don't usually think, well at least not straight away...of GOD (Almighty, Great and Powerful Man in the Sky) singing one to ME. So like I was saying...I had woken up with a song in my head and it goes a little something like this:

"I'll never break your Heart,
I'll never make you cry,
I'd rather die,
Then live without you,
I'll give you All of me
Honey that's No Lie."

Another quick background of me is -divorced parents, broken heart from failed relationships-

When I felt like God was saying these words to me and using a Backstreet Boys song to speak right into my spirit I was floored. It made me want to laugh and cry at the same time and it made me feel so loved and definitely romanced. Now those of you reading this who have accepted Jesus into your hearts and have a real and tangible relationship with him will understand a little more of why this song may be so special but if you don't...let me explain why it meant so much to me...lets break it down...

"I'll Never Break Your Heart"- Truth is God is perfect. He will truly and completely NEVER break your heart, because the Love that he has for you is beyond anything you could ever try to comprehend!

"I'll Never Make You Cry"- The only times Ive ever Cried when it comes to Jesus is when I have Completely realised what he did on the cross for me, who he is in my life and where my life would be without Him...He has Never made me cry out of pain from something he did to I said he's Perfect.

"I'd Rather Die"- He Did...Jesus Died on the Cross to take our sin upon himself and you wanna know why? that we could have a Relationship with that we could be Romanced by Him...Loved by Him...Protected by that We could Know Him!

"Then Live Without You"- like I said...Relationship...thats the simple Truth. the most beautiful and simple truth is that he would rather have suffered and died in our place then not have us in His life!How Amazing!

"I'll Give You All Of Me"- What more can you give then your life??? What bigger expression of True and Pure Love can you give then your Life?

"Honey, That's No Lie"- Once again...he is NOT a Liar. He IS Perfect though:)

so...Romanced story number 1...God taking a simple Backstreet Boys song and using it to change my life and my view of how much He Loves Me and How Much He Loves Us...
maybe the Backstreet Boys are...
Accidentally Anointed?
is it really an Accident???

think about it.

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