Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I am....often Curious,
to how much God loves me, if he does at all, is he tangible...not just in my head and heart but Real and Active in my life? then when I wonder these things he does it again!
Does something Amazing and totally ALL God!
ok so heres what happened, but first a little background about me and why this would mean so much...
I love perfume and hate smelling bad...I have this thing that I call B.O.aphobia :) I know it sounds funny but I reckon its totally real! :) oh and just a peice of random two favourite perfumes are "Curious" - Britany Spears and "Pure Poison" - Dior.
Back to the story...I was in a shop a few weeks ago and I hadnt brought perfume in ages....I was looking at them all, and saw Curious sitting there for an alright price, but alas a price I didnt feel I should spend on perfume. So I left the store a little down heartended and let up a little prayer in the back of my mind "God if you want me to have some please give me the money" and left it at that. A week or so later I went to a prayer meeting and came home really happy and peaceful. Then my mum pointed to my perfume bottles on my windowsill asking me why I had them up there cause its "bad for the perfume". I replied that they were empty and I just like the way they look. She then said "no there not. not that one" and pointed to the "Curious" bottle. I then argued for a little while trying to explain that I remembered the very last drop and how sad I was to spray the very last spray. She then gave me the bottle and as I took a look I saw inside that beautiful blue glass bottle....Half full....Perfume.....Curious.
I was gob smacked!!!! how? I told her I swear it was empty! She then smiled and we tried to remove the lid in hopes for an explination but there was none...the lid could not be removed without ruining the bottle. God had re-filled my perfume :) When telling this to a collegue of mine she commented and said "he didnt give you the money for it cause you wouldnt have spent it on perfume" the truth is that she is right...I wouldnt. I would have found some other more "practical" use of my money. God knows me :)
He knows the way I think, what makes my heart glad and what can bring a smile to my face.
My God Loves me.
And you know what?
He Loves You Too...think about it.


  1. Haha that is awesome. I believe it!
    I will look up what the real name of B.O.aphobia is.

  2. Bromhidrosiphobia, it is apparently called.
    Also, this came up:
    Taijin kyofusho - phobia native to Japanese culture. Fear for being repulsive/irritating/distressing to others for (imagined) reasons of body odour, social behaviour, facial expression etc.
